The Same Journey All Along


What do you do when the idea of living with an unthinkable tragedy hurts more than the idea of not living at all? One late-night moment on a lonely Oregon road sows both heartache and love and launches a search to answer this question.

Retired English teacher Maggie Berry knows exactly what she has to do about her life that has suddenly gone from everyday normal to unbearable. That is until she meets 12-year-old Minnow Marsh, who charms her, but more importantly needs her help. Minnow’s life is upended as she navigates the turbulent waters of a self-serving mother and an impersonal bureaucracy, threatening not only her happiness, but her safety.

Is concern for a child in need enough to make a damaged life worth living? Or are the cruelties that have followed Minnow throughout her childhood a poison that will engulf Maggie as well? Join the engaging characters in The Same Journey All Along on this pilgrimage as they seek answers to some of life’s toughest questions.